Aktivity & události
Peer learning setkání č. 1 v Brně 17. - 19. 12. 2021
Setkání v Brně se osobně zúčastnilo 14 kolegů ze 4 univerzit. Dalších 5 kolegů se k nám připojilo vzdáleně.
Účastníci z 5 partnerských institucí společně pracovali v plénu i v malých skupinách podle programu připraveného ve spolupráci s profesorem Davidem Bowersem, který vedl několik programových bloků.
Program a výstupy ze setkání lze stáhnout na odkazech níže.
Fotogalerie z Peer learning setkání č. 1

Peer learning activity No. 3 in Kristiansand, June 1 - 3, 2022
The meeting in Kristiansand was personally attended by 16 colleagues from 5 universities. Participants from 5 partner institutions worked together in plenary and discussed the form and content of anticipated intellectual outputs. Valuable contribution to the discussion was given by Professor Duncan Lawson from the Coventry University (UK), former Chair of the sigma Network. Part of the program was a presentation of the MSLS Net project at the MatRIC Annual Conference on June 2.
The program and outputs of the meeting can be downloaded at the links below.
Photo gallery from the Peer learning activity No. 3
Peer learning activity No. 2 in Alta, August 15 - 17, 2022
The meeting in Alta was personally attended by 15 colleagues from 5 universities. Participants from 5 partner institutions worked together in plenary and in small groups according to a program prepared in collaboration with Professor Duncan Lawson from the Coventry University (UK) who led several program blocks and arranged a virtual Excursion to Coventry University Maths & Stats Support Centre.
The program and outputs of the meeting can be downloaded at the links below.
Photo gallery from the Peer learning activity No. 2
Multiplier event No. 1 in Brno, January 26, 2023
One day, more than 30 participants from 9 different institutions from two countries, and a lot of inspiration. That was the meeting titled “Good practices in mathematics and statistics learning provision” that took place at Masaryk University in Brno on January 26, 2023. This event was organized to share good practice with setting up, running, managing, and promoting support centres focused on learning support in mathematics and statistics at Czech and Slovak universities.
Full report from the event was published in the Sigma Newsletter Issue 26: spring 2023 which can be found in the section Publicity or downloaded at the link below.
Report from the event in the Sigma Newsletter Issue 26: spring 2023
Photo gallery from the Multiplier event No. 1
Hradec nad Moravicí, June 7, 2023
Photo gallery from the Multiplier event No. 2
Peer learning activity No. 4 in Zlín, June 12 - 14, 2023
Photo gallery from the Peer learning activity No. 4