Partneři projektu
Participating organisations:
Brno University of Technology
Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC VUT)
Josef Rebenda is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication. His research interest include differential equations and numerical algorithms for solving differential equations. His preceding career includes a postdoc position at CEITEC BUT, 5 years as data analyst in a private company and Ph.D. degree in mathematics at Masaryk University in Brno. He is responsible for teaching students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication and he was a project manager of three projects supported by Norway Grants: Personality, Learning Approaches and Teaching Styles in Undergraduate Mathematics – PLATSUM (2016), Mathematical Education Through Modelling Authentic Situations – METMAS (2015-2016) and Brno University of Technology – Mobility of Academic Staff (BUT-MAS) (2016). Dr. Rebenda is the BUT Coordinator of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project "Partnership for Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics" (PLATINUM) (2018-2021) and recently became the Consortium Coordinator of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project "Boosting Sustainable Digital Education for European Universities" (BoostEdU) (2021-2023). He is an Individual Member of the sigma Network which is an established network for Mathematics and Statistics Learning Support (MSLS) covering England and Wales.
Masaryk University
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Maria Králová is the Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and Associate Professor of Business Economics and Management at the Faculty of Economics and Administration of MU. She is a guarantor of a large variety of courses on mathematics and statistics taught at the department and director of study programme Business Data Analytics. Her PhD degree is in General Mathematics and IT. Her research interests focus on a wide range of applied statistical methods serving as a basis for science methodology. Within an Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility framework, she was lecturing at Universidade da Coruna, Spain (2014, a course on Multivariate Statistics). She set up a Maths and Stats Support Centre as a project manager of an ICP project „Mathematics and Statistics Support Centre (MSSC)“ supported by Norway Grants and is actively engaged in the Erasmus+ project “Partnership for Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics” (PLATINUM).
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology
TØrris KolØen Bakke has been teaching mathematics since 2010, both in secondary high school and at university level. He now works as a University lecturer at UiT at the faculty for Engineering, Science and Technology, where his main work is teaching introductory mathematics for engineering students. Bakke has been involved in development of mathematical education both in secondary high school and at UiT, where he is leader of the mathematics group in the project SAMMEN2021. He has long experience in distance teaching, a field he seeks to investigate and develop further. Bakke has his Master of science degree in algebra, and has a particular interest in applied category theory.
Universitetet i Agder
The Centre for Research, Innovation and Coordination of Mathematics Teaching (MatRIC)
MatRIC creates, leads and supports networks that enable sharing and development of effective use of video, digital and web-based technologies in teaching, learning and assessing mathematics. It initiates, supports and disseminates research into teaching, learning and assessing mathematics to identify, understand and evaluate effective innovation in practice. MatRIC has opened new opportunities for collaboration between the research groups in mathematics and mathematics education.
Svitlana Rogovchenko is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Sciences at UiA. Her research interests embrace qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations, impulsive differential equations, asymptotic methods in nonlinear mechanics, mathematical modelling, and mathematics education. Dr. Rogovchenko leads MatRIC’s Mathematics Support Centre in Grimstad and coordinates the induction course for mathematics instructors offered by MatRIC. She also participates in the Erasmus+ project “Partnership for Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics” (PLATINUM).
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Informatics
Zuzana Pátíková is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Applied Informatics. In her research, she focuses on qualitative behaviour of solutions of half-linear differential equations. She teaches mathematical subjects at the Faculty of Technology and Faculty of Applied Informatics for the first and second years of studies. She is responsible for running the Maths Support Centre at UTB. She realized two short term mobilities in Norway (Erasmus+ teaching mobility and individual mobility supported by Norway Grants). Dr. Pátíková has been participating in the Erasmus+ project “Partnership for Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics” (PLATINUM) since 2018 and she was responsible for mathematical activities of the OP VVV project Implementation of the regional action plan for the development of education for the territory of the Zlín region” (2019-2020).