Capacity Building in Mathematics and Statistics Learning Support
in Norway and the Czech Republic
(project registration number EHP-CZ-ICP-3-009)
Our project will build the capacity of universities across the Czech Republic and Norway to offer effective mathematics and statistics learning support (referred to as "MSLS"), through the creation and dissemination of high quality training materials and good practice guidelines for new and developing MSLS centres.
The project consortium includes five higher education institutions from three countries. Brno University of Technology (BUT) in the Czech Republic will act as the Project Promoter coordinating the efforts of four other participants: two Czech universities, Masaryk University (MU) and Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín (UTB), and two Norwegian Universities, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the University of Agder (UiA).
We decided to carry out this project having identified a strong need to enhance students’ learning and understanding of mathematics and statistics at our institutions. As the lack of mathematical skills goes across countries/borders, we are joining our experience, knowledge and resources to address this topic in a project which will be mutually beneficial for all partners in the consortium. In particular, developing so-called "remote support" offered to students who are not on campus is of high interest, not least because of the current pandemic of COVID-19 that is having a significant impact on university education.
MSLS is organized as an extra-curricular enhancement activity which distinguishes it from regular duties related to teaching and supervising students. This requires new and different skills and knowledge on the part of tutors working in MSLS centres. Therefore, there is a need to share the knowledge and experience in support provision gained by the consortium partners and building on expertise developed elsewhere.
This is innovative in the context of the two partner countries. Although some higher education institutions here already have mathematics support facilities, no attempts have been made to date to discuss and analyse the experience with providing MSLS on a systematic and scholarly basis.
There is a need to make available a robust, evidence-informed framework for MSLS within our national contexts, that can demonstrate sustainability, transferability and impact on the student experience. Providing remote support is also an innovative element in the European context.
Project workshop at the international event „Excellent Education for…
Our MSLS Net team will organise a workshop at the conference „Excellent Education for All". The conference took place on April 24-25 in Prague, Czech Republic. The title of the workshop is „The…
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Presentation of the project results at MNT conference in Stavanger …
Our team member Tørris Koløen Bakke presented a poster with results achieved by UiT within the project MSLS Net at the MNT conference. The conference took place on March 16-17 in Stavanger,…
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The date of the final meeting
The date of the final meeting of the MSLS Net project will take place on June 12-14, 2023 in the Czech Republic in Zlín. The event will take place at Tomas Bata University in Zlín. The event program…
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Multiplier event at the Masaryk University in Brno
On January 26, 2023, the first Multiplier event took place at Masaryk University in Brno. The meeting was held in Czech. You can find the photos in the Activities / Events section.
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