Cíle projektu
The main objective of the project is to improve the cooperation in learning and teaching mathematics and statistics between the higher education institutions in the Czech Republic and Norway.
Further project objectives are to share experience in MSLS provision outside the classroom, to promote the idea of MSLS in higher education and to support the development of national MSLS networks. We plan to establish a „Pi Network“ („Pi“ is a Greek letter for „p“ which is the first letter of Czech translation of the word „support“ – „podpora“), a community of practice centered around MSLS in higher education institutions in the Czech Republic and ensure the future growth of the network based on a carefully designed sustainability strategy.
Our project addresses the four key goals for European higher education identified in the renewed EU agenda for higher education, adopted by the European Commission in May 2017: (1) tackling future skills mismatches and promoting excellence in skills development, (2) building inclusive and connected higher education systems, (3) ensuring higher education institutions contribute to innovation, and (4) supporting effective and efficient higher education systems.
Mathematics underpins significantly study progress in many university subjects; quantiative methods are becoming nowadays increasingly important in all subjects. For many students, difficulties with mathematics and statistics become a serious barrier to the successful continuation of studies in higher education. One of the key roles of mathematics and statistics support is to enable all students to reach their full potential in the discipline of their choice. This is achieved by providing students additional extra-curricular help in mathematics and statistics which develops confidence, knowledge, skills and understanding.
The term mathematics and statistics support centre is usually taken to mean a dedicated, physical space in which mathematics and statistics support with tutors is available at specified times. The centre may have learning resources including textbooks, leaflets and computing facilities so that students are encouraged to help themselves and not rely solely on the intervention of a tutor and student workspace to encourage learning communities. It may be in a mathematics (or other) department, a central service such as a library or skills centre or be a peripatetic service visiting student cafes and other venues. Some centres may employ their own staff dedicated to offering mathematics support whereas others may make use of mathematics and statistics lecturers and postgraduate tutors from different departments.
From this point of view, MSLS becomes one of the most efficient methods facilitating inclusion of students with dyscalculia, low maths confidence or the so-called „math anxiety“ addressed by, for instance, by Mathematics and Statistics Help (MASH) at the University of Sheffield.
The experiences of the pandemic have placed a greater emphasis on providing remote support, resulting in a new requirement for maths support practitioners to reflect on their practice, acquire new (technical and inter-personal) skills, develop new resources, and share experiences. A proactive professional MSLS network is key to helping institutions to identify issues and their possible solutions.
The sudden "lockdown" due to coronavirus brought into focus the relative unpreparedness of higher education institutions to work remotely with students, having traditionally focused on providing faceto-face education. The urgent need for mechanisms to identify good practice and share ideas and experiences became apparent. The majority of institutions offering MSLS support plan to continue with aspects of remote/online MSLS provision once the pandemic is over. This will require the development of new resources, and provide a new focus for ongoing professional development of tutors.